Contract of Lease Sample Template Philippines

A lease agreement is a legally binding document that defines the terms and conditions of a lease arrangement between a landlord and a tenant. In the Philippines, the contract of lease template serves as a guide for both parties, ensuring that there is a clear understanding of the agreement and minimizing potential disputes. In this article, we will discuss the essential elements of a contract of lease sample template in the Philippines.

Parties to the Lease Agreement

The contract of lease sample template must identify the parties involved in the lease agreement. It should include the full names and addresses of the landlord and tenant. In addition, it should specify the purpose of the lease, whether it is for residential or commercial purposes.

Rental Fees and Payment Terms

The lease agreement should clearly state the rental fees and payment terms. It should indicate the amount of the monthly rent, the due date of the payment, and the acceptable payment method. Additionally, any late fees or penalties for missed payments should be included in the lease agreement.

Security Deposit and Advance Rent

The contract of lease sample template should specify the amount of the security deposit and advance rent required from the tenant. Usually, the security deposit is equivalent to one or two months’ worth of rent and serves as protection for the landlord against damage to the property or unpaid rent. Advance rent, on the other hand, is an advance payment of one or two months’ worth of rent.

Duration of the Lease

The lease agreement should indicate the duration of the lease, whether it is for a fixed or indefinite period. If it is for a fixed period, the start and end date should be clearly stated. If it is indefinite, the notice period required for termination of the lease should be indicated.

Maintenance and Repairs

The lease agreement should specify the respective obligations of the landlord and the tenant in terms of maintaining and repairing the property. Typically, the landlord is responsible for major repairs and structural maintenance, while the tenant is responsible for minor repairs and keeping the property in good condition.

Use of the Property

The contract of lease sample template should indicate the permitted use of the property. The tenant should not use the property in a way that may cause harm or damage to the property or the surrounding community.


In summary, a contract of lease sample template in the Philippines should include the parties involved, rental fees and payment terms, security deposit and advance rent, duration of the lease, maintenance and repairs, and use of the property. It is important that both parties understand and agree to the terms and conditions of the lease agreement to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes. As a professional, I hope that this article has been informative and helpful to those seeking guidance on creating a contract of lease in the Philippines.